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"Where words leave off, music begins." - Heinrich Heine

Matthieu Saglio

Matthieu Saglio has been living in the Spanish metropolis Valencia for almost 20 years. The third largest city in Spain has been a hub for thousands of years. Greek, Roman, Visigothic and Arabic influences have shaped the city, and today cultures from all over the world meet there. The ideal place for someone like Saglio, who always thinks and lives together several cultures in his cello playing and compositional designs. After he had said goodbye to a purely classical career, he established exciting new relationships in his diverse projects flamenco and jazz, early music, baroque and West African colours. With the Trio NES, he created an internationally acclaimed mixture of Arabic flair and jazz improvisation ("Ahlam", ACT 2018) alongside the singer Nesrine Belmokh and the percussionist David Gadea.

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Matthieu Saglio
el camino de los vientos
Matthieu Saglio